Jose Luis Chea Urruela, Minister of Culture
Jose Luis Chea Urruela was appointed in January 2016 the new Minister of Culture and Sports from Jimmy Morales government. He is a lawyer and notary, his long experience as a diplomat is also in international relations. Among his most significant duties is noted his role as A ambassador of Guatemala in Mexico (2008), in Costa Rica (2004-2007), in El Salvador (2007-2008). In 2002 he held the position of Deputy Mayor and supporter of the strengthening of democracy in Peru; in 1996-1997 he was appointed Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the Organization of American States and also in 1997 was attended by the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for the development and the organization of American States. Within the Guatemalan Government in 1987-1988 he has been deputy minister of external relations. Played at the same time his profession in 1991, paying his legal skills as a consultant at the “Fondo de las Naciones Unidad Para Actividades de Poblacion (UNFPA / UNFPA) and again in 1990-1991 he held the same role in ” Integracion Economica de Centroamerica “, an organization that also saw the Secretary General. He worked as a lecturer from 1984 to 1996 in various subjects such as International Relations, Geopolitics.
Commissioner biography
Daniele Radini Tedeschi
Count Daniele Radini Tedeschi, art historian, critic and curator, was born in Rome and graduated in Modern Art History at the Università degli studi di Roma “la Sapienza” with a dissertation entitled: “Estetics of the similar and the worst in seventeenth-century paintings”. He published important papers about the painter Caravaggio, of whom he is one of the most accredited specialists. He is also internationally considered one of the deepest experts of the artist Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, also known as Sodoma, about whom he published a monography with catalogue and invetary of his artworks. He often appeared on television shows (Rai, Mediaset, La7 etc..) to talk about the discovery of important paintings and to present new art exhibits. Among the many significant conferences he held these are the recomended ones: “Sodoma on his fifth centenary at Villa Farnesina” at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome with the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic; “New Caravaggio: reflection and reflections” at the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, organized by Uppsala University and by the Newman Institute. He also is vicepresident of the Sodoma celebration Committee, a corporation headed by Prof. Claudio Strinati; he is coordinator of the Sodoma Archive; in 2011 he has been assistant supervisor at the Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. He is expert of ancient paitings at the auction house Antonina di Roma and he has also been curator of many important contemporary art exhibitis in Rome.